Pliant Technologies Radio System Install at Riverbend
“I’m a new addition to RBS and wanted to comment on how well communications performed during our last emergent Down Power.
RP was successful covering work in a High Dose/Loud Noise environment and communications worked very well.”
-John Norris, Radiation Protection Superintendent, Riverbend Station
2021 I.I.S. Remote Technology and Wireless Sensor Benchmark Meeting Survey
1) Did the technical content meet or exceed your expectation for this meeting? 5/5
2) Was the material presented in an easy-to-understand manner? 5/5
3) Were you satisfied with the number of other vendors supporting the meeting? 5/5
4) Were all your questions answered in a timely manner to your satisfaction? 5/5
5) Was your hotel room and the service provided of good quality? 5/5
6) Do you plan to come to our meeting next year? yes
7) What was the best thing about the meeting? The ability to puts hands on the equipment I was interested in.
8) Please provide any other positive or negative comments about the meeting. Excellent vendor displays and the Seafood boil was great!
-Rick Ramage, RP Supervisor, Clinton Station
IIS P3’s performing well at Cooper.
Cooper Nuclear Station began implementation of the IIS P3 PTZ cameras during RE-28 in the fall 2014. This upgrade was to replace many of the analog cameras that were initially installed around the 2010 timeframe. During RE-28, (16) P3 cameras were installed in the Heater bay to monitor our 8 feedwater heater level indicators, numerous level control valves in the overhead and also for general area viewing to support Operations. These P3 cameras have proven to be very reliable over time in this high heat and high radiation atmosphere. While all of the originally installed cameras have succumbed to the environment over time, we continue to replace them as needed each refueling outage and our Operations department has been very satisfied with their overall reliability as they continue to monitor plant parameters with the P3’s. Our upgrade heater bay camera system has been extremely important in identifying and monitoring steam leaks along with other anomalies and has been an invaluable ALARA tool to the station. In 2015 we installed (5) P3 cameras in our Reactor Water Cleanup Heat Exchanger Room, where we’re now capable of more effectively monitoring critical plant parameters and conducting remote monitoring within this area as well.
-Dusty Anderson, HP, Cooper Generating Station
Vocera is going places!
“We are averaging 1500 Vocera calls per month Non-Outage.
-Nick Spalaris, IT Manager: Seabrook/Point Beach
Clinton P3’s still performing in the Heater Bay after 40 weeks…
The last P3 we got that we installed in the heater bays are holding up after 40 weeks of service (there are four of them in area’s of approx. 115 to 122 Deg F and 800mr/hr to 1.5 R/hr ) they are running well, could use a better LED light the one on them works but more would be better.
-Bob Egan, Clinton Power Station
Vocera Readiness Cabinets, a huge success at Salem!
Hope Creek Vocera Use Saves Time and Dose during DAPA Surviellence
“Great win last October 2019 on DAPA surveillance by I&C on night shift, using Vocera saved 8 hours of time and 200 mrem of dose. Last outage with two I&C technicians it took 12 hours and 250 mrem of exposure. This outage it took 4 hours and 50 mrem of dose received to perform the same task. The only difference in the task was the implementation of the Vocera IP communication system”.
–Hal Trimble
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