Custom Fabrication
From Custom Concepts, designs and drawings, to the finished product. Your solutions is our direction. We understand that one design does notfit everyone and routinely make modifications or new designs to fit our customers needs. Below are a few of our products that have came from customer requests and can be modified to fit your needs. If you have a special need fill out the contact info below and send in your request and we will contact you and get to work on solving your need.
Custom Fabricated Hi Rad Gate

Insure that high radiation areas are only accessed by personnel with keycards, RP issued codes, and approved dosimeters..
Custom Fabricated Safety Step Off Pad

Due to some serious injuries while undressing, we were asked to develop the I.I.S. Safety Step Off Pad by John Moser (Corporate RPM Exelon Corp.). The hand rails and diamond deck surface provide an added defense for personnel against injuries caused by slipping and falling while undressing.
Custom Fabricated Down Draft Step Off Pad

The I.I.S. Down Draft Step Off Pad has an 8″ duct adapter to connect a HEPA filter to create air flow through the pad while your personnel undress to minimize the spread of contamination.
Custom Fabricated Portable Shield Wall

The Portable Shield Wall extends from 3′ to 6′. Its manual hand crank allows you to raise and lock the wall at any position. The 2″ steel provides HVL attenuation and with a depth of 33″, it fits through any standard door threshold.
Custom Fabricated Rapid Deployment Cart

Mobile platform that allows you to deploy video, audio and telemetry in remote areas which lack adequate infrastructure.
Custom Fabricated Hydratank Shield

The Hydrotank Shield is a 300 gallon aluminum tank. Its design makes it ideal for flexible configuration and easy deployment for water shield wall applications.