Remote Monitoring Technology Site Assessment
I.I.S. will come to your site for a small fee plus travel and expenses for 3 days and perform a complete technology assessment of the following areas:
- Existing Telemetry hardware inventory and current and past use of this equipment.
- Site communications capabilities with all personnel workers during Outage and non-outage activities with work control and RP.
- Site computer network capabilities LAN, and WiFi infrastructure coverage.
- How much fiber and twisted pair is in place?
- Areas targeted for Health Physics Remote Monitoring Stations providing remote job coverage.
- Overall intended scope of remote monitoring applications.
- Existing video capability, and where you want to monitor the video system from.
- Site radio antenna availability, current Radio use type and scope of communication.
- RX vault, and Auxiliary bldg. physical layout and access area layouts.
- RP procedures for job coverage as compared to the EPRI guidelines
This evaluation will allow I.I.S. to provide you a recommended implementation plan for your Plant’s Video, Audio and Telemetry systems for Power Block plant use during outages and non-outages.
The following are the deliverables:
- Recommended video system equipment and configuration with Dwgs.
- Recommended telemetry application & configuration with Dwgs
- Recommended wireless audio communications for all plant personnel with Dwgs.
- Recommended interface hardware and software for these systems.
- Recommended console configuration for Remote Monitoring