N65HR is an underwater radiation hardened monochrome tube TV-camera. The camera is fitted with a Chalnicon or Vidicon camera tube, which combines high sensitivity and high temperature tolerance.
N65HR is a reliable solution for both single-camera application and for multi-camera CCTV networks. No separate adjustment of the camera is needed during or before operating.
It is, compared to conventional black and white cameras, a high-resolution camera designed for excellent image reproduction as well as high radiation tolerance.
N65HR is controlled with PIS180 or P150R
- Radiation tolerance (total dose) > 5 x 10⁵ Gy (> 5 x 10⁷ rads)
- Radiation tolerance (dose rate) > 10⁴ Gy (> 10⁶ rads)
- Maximum temperature in air 50º C (122º F