Our 22nd annual I.I.S. Benchmark Meeting has concluded. We enjoined having everyone come out and present what new products they had or what their plants were doing. Below is a OneDrive shared collection of the PowerPoints that were shown at the benchmark meeting.
These are all of the speakers we had at the benchmark
Introduction: Benchmarking Technology Stan Robinson
Lasalle Technology Update John Moser
AurumTech Hands Free Data Management Jordan McLaughlan
Fitzpatrick Technology update Vincent Morgan
Vocera Product Update Dave Bingham
Braidwood Technology update Charity Stopka
St Lucie Technology Update Scott Caddell
ACT Products Update Dick Culbertson
Master-Lee Services Update Jake Bevan
Byron Technology Update Victor Hughes
Cooper Technology Update Mac Jefferies
Axis Product Update Leroy Bobbit
Duke Technology Update Edmond Allen
Dresden Technology Update Kris Smith
Maxeta RADSurv Update James Visker
TMI 2 Decommissioning Technology Update Austin Ball/Roy Rose